Friday, April 22, 2016

Life Goes On...

Life goes on…

Wednesday, April 13 was a picture perfect southern Ohio early spring weather day but a very difficult day for the friends and family of Elmo Smalley, for this was the day of his Funeral and internment. The family wishes to thank all those who helped them through this difficult time with their presence, food, cards, flowers and prayers.

When Elmo knew the end was near, he called for a bedside meeting to map out his desires for the future of the Lazy S after his demise.  While it was difficult for him to speak and very painful to hear him speak in such a pragmatic fashion, these were his wishes:

Essentially, Elmo made it very clear that he wanted the Lazy S Hunt Club to continue well into the future.  In a very generous gesture Elmo's family has agreed to abide by these wishes and make the property and cabin which they now own, available for use by the hunting club.  Elmo also has asked that Mark Newman and I (Dave Vetter) take on the responsibilities of directing the Lazy S and making all business decisions, along with the advice and guidance of his son in law (Dan Ruggiero), who is a practicing attorney in Portsmouth.  We have agreed to do as Elmo has requested, and to the best of our abilities, direct the Lazy S into the future.

In the first order of business, Elmo, in his infinite wisdom, saw the need to raise the annual membership dues from the old amount of $225 up to a new rate of $250 per year/per member. While a very modest increase, this is necessary to keep pace with the expenses of the club and still remains a fraction of what similar hunting clubs in our area and around the country demand. (Just for the record, 100% of the membership dues goes to cover the overhead/expenses which the Lazy S incurs (Land leases, insurance, property taxes, road maintenance, etc.) Any remaining funds from any given year will be carried over to the subsequent year.

In the next order of business, we are attempting to organize the club membership into an electronic data base to better and more regularly communicate in a timely fashion.  Please see the following listing of the membership role from 2015.  If your name is not on the list or if it is there but incomplete (Address, Phone, email), please email either Mark Newman ( or myself ( with the corrected information and we will see that it is added.

Finally, the 2016/2017 Membership Dues, in the amount of $250, are due on June 1.  Any member in good standing is entitled to complete access to the Lazy S property, including unlimited use of the cabin, 365 days per year!  All that we ask is that you leave it like you found it.  New keys to the gate lock will be distributed to all members this year and we ask that you turn in your old keys when sending in your membership dues.  (Please make out dues checks to:  Daniel P. Ruggiero and mail to:  630 Sixth Street, Suite 100, P.O. Box 150, Portsmouth, OH  45662).

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in the woods!
(Note:  I am having some difficulties getting the membership list to display properly.  I'll figure it out so please check back soon!)

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